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Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium

Caragana series, a Wildflower Fields painting

Arne Quinze's greatest inspiration is his own garden that evolves and changes through the seasons. The artist sees his garden with 100 000 flowers and plants as a harmonious example that we humans should learn to look at.

Plants and flowers have been changing and evolving for millions of years. In the paintings Caragana Boisii and Caragana Bungei, you can feel that Arne Quinze is constantly looking to express the power and fragility of the evolution of his plants on his canvas.

Caragana Boissi, a Wildflower Fields painting by Arne Quinze, 200 x 160 cm, oil paint on canvas.

Caragana Bungei, a Wildflower Fields painting by Arne Quinze, 200 x 160 cm, oil paint on canvas.

Caragana Boisii and Caragana Bungei, Wildflower Fields paintings by Arne Quinze

Cara Bungei and Caragana Boisii, Wildflower Fields paintings by Arne Quinze
Detail of Caragana Boisii, a Wildflower Fields painting by Arne Quinze
Detail of Caragana Boisii, a Wildflower Fields painting by Arne Quinze

Buddleja Brachiata, a Wildflower Fields painting

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Lupine Flower, a permanent sculpture

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The centrepiece of a majestic private garden

Strelitzia — Brussels

Strelitzia is the botanical name for the commonly known crane flower, or 'bird of paradise', a...

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