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Eminenes, a Wildflower Fields painting

The intricate pathways of veins are fascinating to observe for Arne Quinze. When he's in his garden and the sun hits just right, it illuminates the veins in the leaves, showcasing nature’s incredible diversity in action.

Eminenes, a Wildflower Fields painting by Arne Quinze, 200 x 160 cm, oil paint on canvas.

Caragana series, a Wildflower Fields painting

Arne Quinze's greatest inspiration is his own garden that evolves and changes through the...

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Blossom sculpture

"The light shining through my hanging garden will make you dream away." With Blossom, Arne...

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Maanelys series, a Wildflower Fields painting

Arne Quinze wants to convey the perfect harmony that he experiences in nature in his Maanelys...

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